Need for furniture, donations of kitchen utensils increase as the holidays approach

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (WOOD) – Every day, Partners in Housing Transition in Kalamazoo helps families fill their homes.

The association provides furniture and other household items to families referred to it by social services.

But director Carla Baublis stressed that at the moment there was not much to give.

“The sofas, the chairs, the dining tables – we’re talking Thanksgiving – I’m out of tables and chairs right now,” Baublis said.

St. Luke’s partners in the transition to housing. (November 16, 2021)

With the holidays fast approaching and families lining up for help, the association is running out of it all. Baublis and his fellow volunteers are looking for large, slightly used furniture like sofas, tables and dressers, as well as cooking utensils and cooking utensils.

“Every mom loves to bake cupcakes and cookies with her grandchildren,” Baublis explained. “It’s just a nice face-to-face thing that families can do, it’s inexpensive and affordable.”

Among the families in need are Afghan refugees who came to West Michigan for the safety and the Young family, whose home was demolished by Kalamazoo police after it was damaged in a deadly dead end Last week. According to Baublis, the new references to the association include five families with a combined total of at least 20 children.

With Thanksgiving coming next week, volunteers are eager to give these families a place to gather.

“It’s really hard to have a Thanksgiving dinner if you don’t have a kitchen table or chairs,” Baublis said. “If you don’t even have a sofa or a chair to sit and eat on your lap, then it’s even more difficult.”

St. Luke’s partners in the transition to housing. (November 16, 2021)

Small items such as crockery can be dropped off at the association at the back of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Lovell Street. Those wishing to donate larger items like sofas can call Partners in Housing Transition to schedule a pickup. The association can be contacted by phone at 269.385.2466, by email at [email protected], through his website or on his Facebook page.

“It’s just a complete picture, the full security that we want to give them,” said Baublis.

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