My mom is selling my little sister’s bedroom furniture after she’s been kicked out

A WOMAN has been slammed after revealing her family was selling her sister’s furniture because she was evicted.

Posting an ad for the little girl’s dresser on Facebook Marketplace, the sister explained why they were whipping her furniture.


Woman revealed she was selling her sister’s furniture because she was evictedCredit: Facebook

She wrote: “Selling my sister’s dresser since she was expelled from school.

“I would prefer it to go to a more disciplined and educated person.”

She goes on to explain that the dresser is in good condition and just needs a lick of paint to bring it up to date.

The announcement has since been shared on Reddit where users were outraged by the bizarre punishment.

Commenting on the post, one wrote: “It’s just a little sibling rivalry.”

“The fact that parents would do that,” added another.

Meanwhile, others revealed that they had suffered similar punishments when they were younger.

One wrote: “Unfortunately I can understand. I failed math in grade 10 and as punishment my parents took everything from my room except my clothes.

A second revealed, “Yeah, my mom did that too.”

For more parenting stories, a mother said she picked the perfect baby name, but trolls say her son will be bullied for life.

And a mom of FIVE under five and people always want to know what my bedtime routine looks like…(prepare to be exhausted).

Meanwhile, a mom of three says her children have the same birthday.

I’m a mom of FIVE kids under five and people always want to know what my bedtime routine looks like… (prepare to be exhausted)

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